Soft Delete:
we will maintain the record with updating few flag to check whether its active or not deleted like active_flag. We can update the same field again by updating the active_flag in future with some feature or some other mechanism
Hard Delete:
We will remove the record without have a copy.
In one of my recent application, I have the requirement of validating uniqueness constraint with soft delete feature. We have active_flag field to check whether the record is deleted or not. We have few gems to maintain this status. I have used rails gem act_as_paranoid to have in-build validation. In this case, we have deleted_at field to check the status of the record. This gem will update all the query to make sure this field has NULL value.
It will run Query as follows:
In another case without using any gem, we need to write the custom validation to override this
in ../models/user.rb
Note: There are many gems available for making soft delete feature. I have tried personally above act_as_paranoid. I am not sure about any other rails gem.
Hope this snippet helped to few folks.
we will maintain the record with updating few flag to check whether its active or not deleted like active_flag. We can update the same field again by updating the active_flag in future with some feature or some other mechanism
Hard Delete:
We will remove the record without have a copy.
In one of my recent application, I have the requirement of validating uniqueness constraint with soft delete feature. We have active_flag field to check whether the record is deleted or not. We have few gems to maintain this status. I have used rails gem act_as_paranoid to have in-build validation. In this case, we have deleted_at field to check the status of the record. This gem will update all the query to make sure this field has NULL value.
It will run Query as follows:
select `users.*` from users where `` = 120 and `users.deleted_at` is NULL
In another case without using any gem, we need to write the custom validation to override this
in ../models/user.rb
validates :name, uniqueness: {scope: :active_flag, conditions: -> {where(active_flag: true)}, 'An Active user with same name already available' }
Note: There are many gems available for making soft delete feature. I have tried personally above act_as_paranoid. I am not sure about any other rails gem.
Hope this snippet helped to few folks.
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